Chapter 33: Post-9/11 GI Bill®: Offers higher education and training benefits to veterans, service members, and their families who served after Sept. 10, 2001. Service members and veterans can access this education benefit based on their time in service. Qualifying dependents can receive the benefit via a Transfer of Entitlement.

To use education benefits, students need to declare use in GIBenefits by following these steps each semester:

  1. Register for the term in which the declaration is taking place.
  2. Complete Servicemember/Dependent Information in GIBenefits.
  3. Upload the Certificate of Eligibility via the Upload Document tab.
  4. In the Declare Benefits tab, select the term to declare benefit use, and select YES for the decision.
Rate of Pursuit
Withdrawal and Punitive Grades
VA Approved Programs

Monthly entitlements are charged based on the rate of pursuit. The (ROP) is calculated by dividing the number of credit hours enrolled, by the number of enrolled credit hours considered to be full-time. Please know that while Temple University may classify you as full-time, the VA may not. Please review this fact sheet as well as the VA Comparison Tool. 

The housing allowance is paid if the student’s rate of pursuit is more than 50%. The rate of pursuit determines whether a student receives or doesn’t receive the housing allowance. If pursuit is more than 50% the student receives the housing allowance. If the rate of pursuit is 50% or less, then the student doesn’t receive the housing allowance. A monthly housing allowance is paid directly to the student at the beginning of each month, for the previous month. The housing allowance is prorated by the student’s length of service percentage. Active-duty personnel receiving Chapter 33 benefits are not eligible for the housing allowance.

There is also a difference between online & in-person housing allowances.

Please verify rates here.

Generally, the VA cannot pay for:

  • Courses you do not attend.
  • Courses from which you withdraw.
  • Courses you complete but receive a grade that will not count towards graduation.

When your school submits changes to your enrollment information, VA must create debts for the amounts paid that are no longer due. VA will create the debt against you and/or your school for these benefits. You may also owe money to your school when you drop classes or withdraw from school. You must promptly notify your school's veteran certifying official and VA when there is any change in your enrollment. This will help minimize your debt. Visit this page to help manage debt. 

Check Your Program's Eligibility to Receive VA Education Benefits

The Department of Veterans Affairs has set up lists of programs they have approved for each university, which you can access through their WEAMS Institution Search tool. By using WEAMS (Web Enabled Approval Management System), you'll get information about your academic program's eligibility for VA benefits.

This is an important step: If your program is not listed, VA benefits can't be used to cover costs.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at

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