To use education benefits, students need to make the declaration in GIBenefits by following these steps each semester:

  1. Register for the term in which the declaration is taking place. 
  2. Complete Servicemember/Dependent Information in GIBenefits (required only once). 
  3. In the Declare Benefits tab, select the term to declare benefit use, and select YES for the decision. 


Uploading Documents  

Students can upload documents for the School Certifying Official to review. Certificate of Eligibility or eBenefits statement is required for students using VA education benefits. To upload a document:

  1. Navigate to GIBenefits. 
  2. Click on the Upload Document tab. 
  3. Select the document to upload. 
  4. Select the document type. 
  5. Click Upload. 


Who do I contact for assistance?

Click on request assistance in GIBenefits located in TUPortal.